The White Garment Churches Have Their Own Handwork …… Says Prophet Asuelimen

 Iour quest to search out the effect of Covid19 on the church, we decided to interview pastors from different denominations. Starting from the white garment church, we met with Prophet. Dr. Asuelimen a prophet and the founder of Jehovah Prophet Mission Seraphim Church of Zion who turned the interview around.

GEM: how as covid19 affected the church from your own end?

ANS: when government banned all activities and people could not come to church again and later when governmesnt reopened the church to get people back to church was not easy

GEM: Is it still affecting the church?

ANS: It is not affecting the church again since the government has given us the go ahead to reopen and continue all activities.

GEM: Due to poor church attendance many church leaders are still of the opinion that the church as not fully recovered from the effect of covid19, how true?
ANS: It is only those pastors or leaders that depend on crowd to sustain their ministry are the ones affected. As for me, I don’t belief in crowd so am not affected.

GEM: The general speculations is that Covid19 was brought upon man by God, how true?

ANS: Yes, it is a punishment from God we can see that in the book of Isaiah 45:5 the bible says I the Lord am the God none before me, no one after, I form the light and darkness, I create good and evil. So, God is aware of this and He has hand in it He made people to know that their money cannot save them. If it was done by devil it would have affected the poor more but as you can see it came upon the millionaires, when sickness comes they travel abroad for treatment but now they can’t go anywhere.

GEM: briefly away from Covid19, how is the ministry?

ANS: The ministry is doing fine because God never change so am enjoying His faithfulness the only pastors that can say it affected them are those ones that are gathering contaminated multitudes. They are complaining because they have no opportunity to gather contaminated multitude.

GEM: Are you jealous of big churches because you have lower congregation?

ANS: Am neither jealous nor saying this because I have lower congregation, congregation as nothing to do with God but the spirit of God has everything to do with the church

GEM: We choose you for this interview to speak for other white garment churches because you are C&S pastor, it is of huge belief that the spiritual work you do is the reason you are not feeling the effect of Covid19. How true?

ANS: God bless you, that is how we know the true church even the bible has said white garment church will be the last church on earth, nobody can run from the white cloth, even those that are preaching against us today will still wear it home when they die. The white garment churches have their own handwork which is the spiritual work, you can’t see any white garment church looking for crowd. The work of God is divine we don’t learn it,

GEM: Are you in support of river bathing, animal sacrifice and all other rituals usually conducted by some of the white garment prophets?

ANS: Thank you for that good question, the bible says give unto Caesar the things of Caesar and God the things of God, there is no success without sacrifice, Jesus before He could save us had to sacrifice Himself, He said He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfil it. So what I belief is that there is no religion that is higher than the truth

GEM: The bible tells us that not by the blood of goat or calves but by His own blood are we saved

ANS: Whoever says our practices is not biblical should remove Old Testament from the bible read only New Testament. Do you know it was just a ram that saved the whole world? Abraham was told to sacrifice the only son he had, if Isaac was killed how will the world regenerate today? That lamb saved the child and as the bible says as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end.

GEM: Are you aware that some of the spiritual works done by some of your colleagues have its source from books like six and seven books of Moses?

ANS: why are people condemning six and seven book of Moses, have you taken time to find out where other books such as six, seven, eight, nine and ten books of Moses are? those who are not bless spiritually are the ones criticizing, let people make research before they condemn all this books.



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